All I Wanna Do Is Rock...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Perpetual Outsider, A Tourist Of His Own Life

It happened that green and crazy summer It was a summer when for long time she´d not been a member She belonged to no club, and she was a member of nothing in the world, And she was afraid.
- Jarvis Cocker
Big Julie.

...It was a life that suited him, and I can see why he went back to it after his marriage broke up. For a man who finds life tolerable only by staying in the surface of himself, it is natural to be satisfied with offering no more than this surface to others. There are few demands to be met, and no commitment is required. Marriage, on the other hand, closes the door. Your existence is confined to a narrow space in which you are constantly forced to reveal yourself -and therefore, constantly obliged to look into yourself, to examine your own depths. When the door is open, there is never any problem: you can always escape. You can avoid unwanted confrontations, either with yourself or with another, simply by walking away. His capacity for evation was almost limitless. Because the domain of others was unreal to him, his incursions into that domain were made with a part of himself he considered to be equally unreal, another self he had trained as an actor to represent him in the empty comedy of the world at large. This surrogate self was essentially a tease, a hyperactive child, a fabricator of tall tales. It could not take anything seriously. ...Because nothing mattered, he gave himself the freedom to do anything he wanted, and the charm he exercised to make his conquests was precisely what made these conquests meaningless. Whenever a situation became too tight for him, whenever he felt pushed to the verge of having to reveal himself, he would wriggle out of it by telling a lie. Eventually, the lie came automatically and was indulged in for it´s own sake. The principle was to say as little as possibly. If people never learned the truth about him, then they couldn´t turn around and use it against him later. The lie was a way of buying protection. What people saw when he appeared before them, then, was not really him, but a person he had invented, an artificial creature he could manipulate in order to manipulate others. He himself remained invisible, a puppeteer working the strings of his alter ego form a dark, solitary place behind the curtain. (...) He had managed to elude them all. Talking to him was a trying experience. Either he would be absent, as he usually was, or he would assault you with a brittle jocularity, which was merely another form of abscence. (...) A man without appetites. You felt that nothing could ever intrude on him, that he had no need of anything the world had to offer... Solitary, but not in the sense of being alone. Not solitary in the way Thoreau was, for example, exiling himself in order to find out where he was; not solitary in the way Jonah was, praying for deliverance in the belly of the whale. Solitary in the sense of retreat. In the sense of not having to see himself, of not having to see himself seen by anyone else.
- Paul Auster.
The Invention of Solitude

La vida es maravillosa. La vida es una fiesta.


Sirena said...
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Anonymous said...


Woo Woo said...

De qué modo logras hacer coincidir diversas presencias en un mismo espacio? J.C. (ojo, no se trata de Jesucristo aunque bien podría serlo, como bien lo has dicho en múltiples ocasiones) y sir Auster asistiendo a un banquete que te tiene como anfitrión en uno de esos moods recurrentes. Hay una gran diferencia entre hacer un fraude y hacer una gran cita, la distinción se observa en el reconocimiento de las fuentes, lo digo por si alguien tiene dudas, claro, no está de más la aclaración. La ausencia de las palabras propias deja en claro que encontraste en los demás la precisión, ese "nadie pudo haberlo dicho de mejor modo". No se trata sólo del intento por establecer una conversación a distancia entre el tiempo y el espacio de cada uno de los tres invitados al encuentro, no es solo eso...Atte. Mrs. Extrañita

MissPennyL said...

Hola! Te escuché en radio universidad, buen programa por cierto.

Y pues aqui ando socheando tu blog como buena yuca.


Anonymous said...

Yo una vez te escuché en el radio una tarde que hablaban de amores perros cuando estaba en el ciber en sancris.

Pandemia en la bañera... said...


Gran Fornicador said...

SIRENA: Dudoso, cuando menos.

ANÓNIMO: Fraude tu cola! Está bien citadito.

LILUS KIKUS: ya sabes que no soy Jesús, aunque tenga las mismas iniciales. Es que eso de las violaciones a la ley cronotópica se me da con tanta naturalidad como escribir posts emo. Muy bien argumentado, por otra parte, Mrs. Strangelove.

JANISTIKA: Cuanto tiempo sin veros! Pues que grosería que no haya hablado para saludar. Tache por apache (chale, soy una maestra de 80 años que quiere hacerse la graciosa).

FOSFOCITO: Ah, que tiempos aquellos, señor don porfirio... Si hay algo que este blog apoye fuertemente es la nostalgia.


Exquisita Criatura said...

y no lo va a poner verde otra vez?
yo lo invito, lo exhorto y lo conmino a que le quite lo mayativo a su blog y lo ponga

en nombre de la nostalgia.